Amazon Order Cancellation

Crafty Croc orders placed through Amazon can be cancelled while the order is being processed. However, once an Amazon order has been shipped, it cannot be cancelled. To cancel an order that has been shipped, please wait for your order to arrive and then request a return if desired.

To cancel an Amazon order that is still being processed, follow these two easy steps:

  1. Go to Your Orders page and look for the order that you want to cancel. Then click on the Cancel items button.

  2. Select the item(s) that you want to cancel. Select a reason for cancellation from the dropdown menu if desired (this is optional). Finally, click on the Cancel checked items button to finish.

After submitting the cancellation, Amazon will send you a confirmation message to the e-mail address on your account.

You can also confirm that the order was cancelled by visiting Your Orders. If you see the order in the Cancelled Orders section, it was successfully cancelled.

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